Pattern: Top, Jacket: McCall's 4781, Pants: Simplicity New Look 6415
View: McCall's 4781 F, Simplicity New Look 6415 D
Size: McCall's 4781 XS, Simplicity New Look 6415 8
Fabric: Jacket: red brocade, with 1/4" double fold bias tape; Top and Pants: black moleskin, with ribbon strap on top, twill tape in pants waistline.
Things I learned:
- We were extra careful with these fabrics: we used loops of Scotch tape to lightly tape the pattern pieces to the fabric in oder to avoid having to pin, and maybe snag the fabrics.
- In the raglan jacket, we had to trim the underarm seam allowance, and serge the underarm seam, otherwise it wouldn't lie flat; it would bunch up.
- We drafted a bell-shaped sleeve that looked a lot better than the original straight sleeve.
- Twill tape stabilizes the waistline well.
- Interfacing paid off. My new iron worked really well.
- We couldn't deal with the brocade without FrayCheck.
- Note to self: Think twice before buying brocade, especially synthetic brocade. It looks great, but it's very hard to sew, and it snags very easily when worn.
- Moleskin is relatively easy to work with and looks great!
- This pants pattern looks great, but next time I make it, I should add 1.5 cm to the back pieces' waistline, and lover the front pieces' waist by 1.5 cm.
- It pays off to be patient, and detail-oriented. The outcome was a very comfortable outfit. The inside seams look nice, too.
- Raise the back waist line by 1/2 to 1 in.
- Lower the front waist line by 1/2 to 1 in.
- Shorten at both thigh- and shin-level to keep proportions.
- Use a flexible ruler to define more accurate crotch curve.
- Press size seams better while sewing.
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